Please wait for our feedback.
We will check if your traffic complies with our policies.
You will have all the info material and the tools to measure and optimise the effectiveness of your communication.
With 1,600+ shops and thousands of online players, SNAI is the best-known public gambling operator, authorised by the Customs, Excise Duties and Monopolies Agency, which has always been synonymous with sports betting and legal gambling.
You will have all the info material and the tools to measure and optimise the effectiveness of your communication.
SNAITECH S.p.A., also known as, SNAI S.p.A. a Sole Shareholder company with registered office in Piazza della Repubblica, 20124 – Milan, VAT number 01729640464, in the person of the pro tempore legal representative or a proxy (for the purposes of this contract, “SNAI” or “The Licensee”
(or the purposes of these Terms and Conditions, “Gaming informer” or more simply “Informer”)
All this having been stated, recalled and considered, the Parties
The premises form an integral part of this Agreement and any change in the facts reported therein justifies the revision of this Agreement, which may entail changing its conditions, or terminating it due to events that occur
The following terms will have the meaning described below:
Information Action: simple communications, at the request of consumers, which maintain the exclusive purpose of describing, providing information on and identifying the legal gaming offer, to help them make informed gaming choices.
Consumer (or User): a natural person acting for purposes unrelated to any entrepreneurial, commercial, artisanal or professional activity carried out, as defined in Article 3, paragraph 1 of Italian Legislative Decree no. 206 of 6 September 2005 as amended (hereinafter the "Consumer Code").
Dignity Decree: Decree-Law No. 87 of 12 July 2018 – Urgent provisions for the dignity of workers and businesses. (18G00112) (Official Journal General Series No. 161 of 13/07/2018) converted with amendments by Italian Law No. 96 of 9 August 2018 (in the Official Journal No. 186 of 11/08/2018).
AGCOM Guidelines: Resolution No. 132/19/CONS Guidelines on how to implement Article 9 of Decree-Law No. 87 of 12 July 2018, containing "urgent provisions for the dignity of workers and businesses", converted with amendments by Law No. 96 of 9 August 2018.
Trademarks: any trademark, logo and/or other type of distinctive sign, owned by SNAI or by another company connected to and/or coordinated by it.
Trackers: unique tracking URLs that SNAI provides to the Informer exclusively and according to the terms of this Agreement, with which it is possible to monitor that the Information Action is performed effectively and correctly.
With this Agreement, the gaming Informer is charged with providing requesting consumers with information of a descriptive nature that aims to inform them of the characteristics and functionality of gaming products and services, at the same time identifying the operator as a licensee of legal gaming services. This Agreement provides for the payment of remuneration related to the proper performance of the task conferred, which must always be carried out by the Informer in compliance with the requests received and in accordance with the instructions provided by the Licensee and all applicable legal provisions.
In executing the assignment, the Informer will act in full and absolute autonomy as regards timing, methods and means. It will therefore establish, at its discretion, the organisation of its business, the ways of handling the requests received, and the timing of processing requests, ensuring that delays, omissions and disorganisation do not cause damage to SNAI's good name.
The assignment is strictly personal, not transferable to third parties even partially, and does not involve any power of representation.
In order to provide the Information requested from time to time by consumers, the Informer may use its website or other tools at its disposal for the purpose of responding effectively and correctly to the queries raised by consumers. In particular, it is up to the Informer to identify the content of the request made by consumers and to select from among the possible answers only those that specifically address the queries raised. When disclosing information on SNAI's products, services, odds and/or bonuses, the Informer must scrupulously follow those available on the website in the appropriate information areas, ensuring that the information provided is always in line with that updated by SNAI, whose main concern is that the information should be complete, correct and current.
The Informer is obliged to:
SNAI undertakes to provide the informative material necessary to correctly perform the information activities covered by this contract and to promptly update the information sections of its websites specifically for Gaming Informers.
After signing this Agreement, the Informer will receive via email:
The Informer acknowledges SNAI's exclusive ownership of the Trademarks and undertakes not to engage in any action or procedure of any kind or nature which could prejudice the rights in question or, in any case, weaken their validity. The Informer undertakes to cite SNAI's Trademarks solely to provide the information envisaged by this Agreement and never in a distinctive function, but only in a descriptive function for the gaming offer.
Except as expressly provided for in this Agreement, the Informer will not have any right on the Trademarks, nor on the related goodwill. It is understood that the Informer will remain solely responsible for any unauthorised use of the Trademarks and undertakes to hold SNAI harmless and indemnified from any civil, criminal and administrative liability deriving from their undue use. The Informer undertakes not to register or attempt to register any logo, trademark, commercial name, design, domain name or any other similar material that contains or could violate the Trademarks.
The activity carried out by natural persons established in Italy is classifiable as a self-employed work, and therefore SNAI will apply a 20% withholding tax withdrawal as envisaged by Article 25 of Italian Presidential Decree 600/72. On the other hand, the application of the VAT rate according to the ordinary procedures established by law in the case of work performed by a legal person having registered office in Italy, or by a natural person resident in Italy and holding a VAT number, remains unaffected. The withholding tax shall not apply to Informers resident in Italy who make use of the so-called flat-rate regime, provided that it is explicitly stated in the body of the invoice that the remuneration is not subject to withholding tax as the Informer makes use of the aforementioned regime. The withholding tax will not be applied to Informers with tax domiciles outside Italy, who must send a valid copy of their identity document and a declaration in lieu of certification. If the Informer is an Italian citizen residing abroad, a copy of their registration with AIRE (Registry of Italian Residents Abroad) is also required.
The payment of remuneration due to the Informer is linked to the actual flow of information that the Informer has been able to provide on behalf of the Licensee and is determined at the end of each calendar month on the basis of the Payment Plan, which will be negotiated between the Parties separately. The Informer accepts and acknowledges that the Licensee shall not proceed with the payment of accrued remuneration for amounts lower than €250.00 (two hundred and fifty/00); in such cases, the remuneration not paid in each month shall be added to the remuneration accrued in the following month. For the purposes of the payment of the remuneration, the Informer undertakes to communicate to SNAI the IBAN of a banking institution based in the country where the Informer has its legal or administrative headquarters.
This Agreement is for an indefinite period, and its effects will start from the date of signing. Either party may withdraw from this Agreement at any time and with immediate effect, with notification to be sent to the following email addresses:
for SNAI:
for the Informer: _________
SNAI may terminate this Agreement with immediate effect pursuant to Article 1456 of the Italian Civil Code in the following cases:
In the above cases, as soon as it becomes aware of the conduct that may give rise to termination, SNAI shall be entitled to withhold the remuneration still due to the Informer.
The above applies without prejudice to SNAI's right to compensation for any damage incurred as a result of unlawful conduct or any conduct in breach of this Agreement and/or prevailing legislation (with particular reference to the regulations contained in the Dignity Decree and the precisely aligned AGCOM Guidelines).
The Informant shall indemnify and hold harmless SNAI against any damage, loss, expense, including legal fees, that may arise from the violation of the obligations undertaken in this Agreement.
Immediately after the termination of this Agreement, the Informer must remove SNAI's Trademarks, names, symbols, logos, designs or other material or content the Informer has used in any way to fulfil the obligations pertaining to this Agreement. The Informer is required to disable all links from its own websites to the information sections of SNAI's website.
During the execution of this Agreement or before its stipulation, SNAI may provide the Informer with certain information of a confidential nature, of which SNAI is the exclusive owner ("Confidential Information"). The Informer undertakes to keep the information in question secret and not to use it for purposes unrelated to this Agreement. It is understood that any use of the information for any reason must cease at the end of this Agreement and that the Informer must return any documents it has received that contain the aforementioned information.
It is forbidden for the Informer to disclose the content of this Agreement and its financial conditions.
The Parties shall process personal data as autonomous Data Controllers and undertake to comply with the provisions on data processing set out in Regulation (EU) 2016/679 on the protection of personal data ("GDPR") and in the legislation – including prevailing national legislation – applicable from time to time and to adopt systems and procedures that comply with the provisions of Article 32 of the GDPR.
With regard to the provision of the service, it should be noted that the Informer will not have access to the personal data of Consumers in any way whatsoever; in fact, the data being processed (i.e., account number and gaming activity) will not enable it in any way, either directly or indirectly, to trace the identification of the natural person to whom they refer.
Without prejudice to the Informer's right to withdraw in accordance with Section 9, SNAI reserves the right to amend one or more of the terms and conditions contained in this Agreement at any time and at its sole discretion. These amendments will be considered known and accepted starting from the first time the Informer accesses their profile on the SNAI platform. It is the Informer's responsibility to view these changes.
It is also understood that, even after the acceptance of these terms and conditions, SNAI shall be entitled to propose to the Gaming Informant the conclusion of a different and specific agreement, without prejudice to the right of withdrawal of the gaming representative pursuant to Section 9.
This Agreement is subject to Italian law. Any dispute which may arise regarding the execution and/or validity of this Agreement will be decided exclusively by the Court of Milan.
1. Identità e dati di contatto del titolare e del responsabile della protezione dei dati
Il Titolare del trattamento dei Suoi dati personali è SNAITECH S.p.A., con sede legale in Piazza della Repubblica n. 32, 20124 Milano, pec: “”, email: “”, Registro imprese e Codice fiscale 00754850154, Partita IVA 01729640464, sito web “”.
Il Responsabile della Protezione dei Dati protempore, domiciliato ai fini della presente informativa presso la sede legale del titolare, è contattabile al seguente indirizzo e-mail: “”
2. Finalità del trattamento
In base alla finalità, i cookie installati sul presente sito si distinguono in “cookie tecnici” e “cookie analitici”.
I Suoi dati personali saranno oggetto di operazioni di trattamento per le seguenti finalità:
(1) gestire il sito Web;
(2) garantire ed ottimizzare la navigazione e fruizione del sito web;
(3) analizzare, in forma aggregata ed anonima, l’utilizzo del nostro sito Web per visualizzare il numero degli utenti e come questi visitano il sito.
3. Base giuridica del trattamento e modalità di trattamento
I cookie tecnici sono considerati strettamente necessari, perché l’archiviazione delle informazioni è essenziale per fornire il servizio richiesto dall'utente. La base giuridica è contrattuale, pertanto, tali cookie non necessitano di un preventivo consenso. I cookie analitici non sono necessari al funzionamento del sito web, pertanto, la base giuridica è il consenso degli utenti per l’installazione, salvo il caso che gli stessi vengano anonimizzati. Poiché nel caso di specie, si tratta di cookie anonimizzati di terze parti, questi vengono considerati alla stessa stregua dei cookie tecnici per i quali, come sopra indicato, la normativa di riferimento non richiede il consenso. Il trattamento dei dati personali sarà effettuato con strumenti informatici nel rispetto delle disposizioni in materia di protezione dei dati personali e, in particolare, delle misure di sicurezza che ne garantiscano la relativa riservatezza.
4. Tipologia di dati personali trattati
Dati di navigazione.
5. Cosa sono i cookie
I cookie sono stringhe di testo di piccola dimensione scambiati tra un server e il web client. Nello specifico, si tratta di file che un sito invia al browser dell’utente e che vengono salvati sul suo dispositivo. Tali cookie vengono utilizzati da SNAITECH S.p.A. ed i suoi partner per motivi tecnici e/o statistici per eseguire autenticazioni automatiche, tracking di sessioni sul sito “”.
6. Tipologie di cookie
Il presente sito utilizza esclusivamente “cookie tecnici” e “cookie analitici anonimizzati”.
a) Cookie tecnici
I cookie tecnici servono ad effettuare la navigazione su internet e/o a fornire all'utente alcune delle funzionalità messe a sua disposizione sul sito. Non vengono utilizzati per scopi ulteriori e sono normalmente installati direttamente dal titolare del sito web. Senza il ricorso a tali cookie, alcune operazioni non potrebbero essere compiute o sarebbero più complesse e/o meno sicure.
b) Cookie analitici di terze parti anonimizzati.
SNAITECH, con riferimento ai cookie analitici di terza parte, ha deciso di limitare l’uso di Google Analytics anonimizzando l’IP ed impedendo a Google di incrociare i dati raccolti attraverso Analytics con quelli di altri suoi prodotti. Con l’anonimizzazione, tali cookie diventano assimilabili a dei cookie tecnici. A tal proposito le Terze parti sono direttamente responsabili, in qualità di Titolari del trattamento, dei cookie da loro installati per il tramite del sito “”, così come dei trattamenti che ne fanno.
Il nostro partner è: Google (;
7. Periodo di conservazione
a) Cookie tecnici
Nome | Funzionalità del Cookie | Tipologia di cookie | Durata di conservazione | Localizzazione geografica | Il sito funziona senza tale cookie? |
RT | Questo cookie viene utilizzato per identificare l'utente attraverso un'applicazione. | tecnico | 6 giorni | UE | SI |
ASP.NET_SessionId | Preserva gli stati dell'utente nelle diverse pagine del sito. | tecnico | sessione | UE | SI |
NR_Mobile_Walkthrough_41609 | Cookie vuoto creato all'accesso sulla piattaforma | tecnico | Persistente | UE | NO |
NRLocale_Mobile | Serve a mostrare informazioni nella stessa lingua dell'utilizzatore. | tecnico | Persistente | UE | SI |
__RequestVerificationToken_[token id] | Anticontraffazione | tecnico | Sessione | UE | NO |
b) Cookie analitici di Terze parti anonimizzati:
Nome | Funzionalità del Cookie | Tipologia di cookie | Durata di conservazione | Localizzazione geografica | Il sito funziona senza tale cookie? |
_ga | Utilizzato da Google Analytics per generare dati statistici in forma anonima su come il visitatore utilizza il sito internet. | analitico | 2 anni | EXTRA UE | NO |
_gat | Utilizzato da Google Analytics per generare dati statistici in forma anonima su come il visitatore utilizza il sito internet. | analitico | 1 giorno | EXTRA UE | SI |
_gid | Utilizzato da Google Analytics per generare dati statistici in forma anonima su come il visitatore utilizza il sito internet. | analitico | 1 giorno | EXTRA UE |
8. Gestione dei cookie dalle impostazioni del browser
Gli utenti possono comunque manifestare le proprie preferenze sui cookie del browser anche attraverso le impostazioni dello stesso. Di default quasi tutti i browser web sono impostati per accettare automaticamente i cookie, ma gli utenti possono modificare la configurazione predefinita tramite le impostazioni del browser utilizzato, che consentono di disabilitare e/o cancellare tutti o alcuni cookie o bloccare l’invio dei cookie o limitarlo a determinati siti. La disabilitazione dei cookie o la loro cancellazione potrebbe compromettere la fruizione ottimale di alcune aree del sito o impedire alcune funzionalità, nonché influire sul funzionamento dei servizi delle terze parti. La configurazione della gestione dei cookie dipende dal browser utilizzato. Per ulteriori dettagli, si rimanda alle istruzioni presenti all’interno di ciascun browser utilizzato (a titolo esemplificativo Chrome, Firefox, Edge, Safari, Opera, ecc..)
9. Trasferimento dati all’estero
I dati personali non saranno trasferiti all'estero. I dati anonimizzati correlati ai cookie analitici di terze parti, che quindi non sono dati personali in quanto non consentono l’identificazione di alcun soggetto - raccolti tramite Google Analytics - potranno essere anche trasferiti negli Stati Uniti.
10. Natura obbligatoria o facoltativa del conferimento dei dati e conseguenze della mancata comunicazione
Il conferimento dei dati personali trattati mediante l’installazione di cookie tecnici o assimilabili è obbligatorio per garantire la corretta navigazione all’interno del sito. Il conferimento dei dati personali trattati mediante l’installazione di cookie di terzi è facoltativo; la cancellazione/disabilitazione potrebbe inficiare la corretta navigazione all’interno del sito.
11. Diritti riconosciuti all’Interessato (artt. 15-22 GDPR)
In relazione al trattamento dei Suoi dati personali - in presenza dei presupposti necessari - ha diritto di chiedere a SNAITECH S.p.A. la conferma dell’esistenza dei dati personali che la riguardano, ottenere l’accesso ai dati personali, la rettifica, la cancellazione, la limitazione del trattamento, la portabilità dei dati presso altro titolare se consentito. La informiamo che ha sempre il diritto di proporre un reclamo all'Autorità Garante per la protezione dei dati personali per l’esercizio dei Suoi diritti o per qualsiasi altra questione relativa al trattamento dei Suoi dati personali. I predetti diritti potranno essere esercitati mediante richiesta inoltrata al titolare anche via e-mail o lettera raccomandata ai recapiti sopra indicati.
Ultimo aggiornamento 18/01/2021